Complete your processes
Until a 78% faster.
Simplify your construction: manage, centralize and
automate your projects with Buildpeer.
8k+ community,
4.5 in reviews
El 90% of users They improve their
decision-making in just 3 months.
Join now
Save up to 30% of time collecting and analyzing data.
It compiles the progress of the work clearly and precisely with 5 centralized reports. Update instantly and ensures real-time visibility for everyone involved.
Project Management
Team management increases by 38% with real-time collaboration.
It offers total visibility about the performance of your project and the integrated sources of information, facilitating interaction with everyone involved.
Work Control
It reduces errors in the work by 41%.
We revolutionized the office-work coordination, providing immediate access to up-to-date information and real-time visibility of all requested changes.
With +5,000 users and +900 projects, Buildpeer optimizes project management in Latin America.
Without Buildpeer
Your team uses 14 hours of work doing reprocesses.
With Buildpeer
Your equipment uses only 2 hours of effective work.
Discover +12 comprehensive modules on Buildpeer
to transform the management of your projects.